
  • Jennifer Champagne

    “Catherine’s expertise in managing complex financial situations for a public entity is second to none. At a time when all schools across Texas are facing budget crises due to the legislative funding shortfall, her knowledge and skills will be invaluable to the board and district.

    Furthermore, Catherine knows firsthand through her children the need for inclusivity and strong support for special education. She is dedicated to ensuring each student succeeds to their highest potential.

    Eanes needs a leader who has the proven ability to tackle the challenges the district faces, and Catherine Walker is that leader.”

  • Christie Bybee, former Eanes ISD Trustee (2014 - 2020) and former President of Eanes Education Foundation

    “I have gotten to know Catherine and my takeaway is this: she is authentic, has a quiet confidence, is intuitive and organized, is genuinely committed to every child and taxpayer in our district and is an engaged parent of three young and very active children.

    Her financial background is impressive and as CFO of CapMetro where she manages complex budgets for a public entity, Catherine has the financial acumen and experience that Eanes needs now more than ever.

    I can’t think of anyone more qualified to fill Jen Champagne’s shoes going forward! Catherine will be an outstanding leader and trustee. I am honored to vote for her and hope you will join Clint and me as we support Catherine Walker for EISD, Trustee, Place 5.”

  • KJ Stanley, Eanes Parent and Member, Bond Oversight Committee

    “Catherine and I served together on the Bond Oversight Committee and the Bond Advisory Committee. Her depth of understanding of finances was invaluable. If you aren’t familiar with the role of school boards or school finance, please understand this one thing: Due to the changing rules put forth by the legislature regarding school finance and the way in which public schools in Texas will be getting their funding from the legislature, EVERY school in Texas needs a person with Catherine's knowledge and skills to navigate the challenges ahead.

    While the current Board has an excellent breadth of knowledge and background, no one has the Finance knowledge and experience of Catherine. No other person running for the Board has her knowledge and experience. Catherine is the person we need right now to help Eanes maintain its excellence and meet the budget challenges ahead.”

  • Mike McDonell, Eanes ISD Parent and President & CEO of Kidventure

    “This election I am throwing my full support behind Catherine Walker for Eanes ISD trustee place 5. There are many challenges on the horizon for Eanes ISD, particularly when it comes to getting the most out of our limited school budget. As CFO for CapMetro, Catherine has a strong financial and budgeting background. She will approach our fiscal challenges with both pragmatism and creative ideas. As a mother of three kids in the district, she understands the importance of striving for a great education and supporting the health and wellness of our children. But more than any of these reasons, I believe Catherine sincerely wants the best for our schools and families.

    Catherine believes that education is worth fighting for, that our teachers and school staff are heroes in our community, and that no challenge to the quality of that education or those who serve our kids isn't worth fighting for. As the daughter of a librarian, Catherine understands the importance of public education. As a CFO, she gets the numbers better than most, and as a mom, she is dedicated to serving the whole child. Please join me in voting for Catherine Walker.”

  • John Havenstrite, former Trustee and former Board President

    “Catherine Walker will bring new, and vitally important perspectives to the board. She is the CFO of CapMetro, and will offer extraordinary municipal finance and strategic planning expertise to the community at time when those skills couldn’t be more valuable. But perhaps more impressively, she is humble, thoughtful, and sensitive.

    And if elected she will be the only board member with elementary age children. She will be the only board member with children in Spanish Immersion. She will be the only board member from Bridge Point Elementary. She is a Six Sigma Black Belt single mother of three students receiving special education services, and a Cub Scout den leader. And she is kind.

    So, for each of these reasons, I believe she has the talent, perspective, and temperament to be a great Eanes Trustee, and I support Catherine Walker.”

  • Colleen Jones, former Trustee and former Board President

    "As a former EISD board member from 2010 to 2019, and President for three years, I understand difficult budget conversations. That day is coming again, and when it does, Eanes will need experienced, strategic, and steady leadership. Catherine Walker offers such leadership. She is a seasoned CFO with years of municipal finance experience. She is the single mother of three children; two at BPE and one at HCMS, all of whom benefit from the services provided through Eanes IEPs. She is compassionate, thoughtful, and dedicated.

    I encourage you to vote for Catherine and the future of our district."

  • John & Susan Hinton, Rollingwood residents

    “We are casting our vote for Catherine because of her exceptional financial background. Our school district is a highly ranked public school district, both in Texas and nationally.  The high educational quality of EISD is one of the main factors which maintain the high residential property values that we all enjoy. Let’s not mess with success!”

  • Chip & Amy Brees, Eanes residents

    “Catherine has our vote. She’s the smart and thoughtful leader we need for our school district now.”

  • David Page, former Futuro Parent

    “In the upcoming election for Place 5 on the Board of Trustees, I’m supporting supermom Catherine Walker. Catherine has a stellar resume, children in Futuro at HCMS and BPE where I know her from Pack 39 Cub Scouts volunteering. She has the head, heart and guts to excel as a trustee — especially at a time when district finances will be in a difficult state.”

  • Matthew Gochberg, Eanes Resident and Coach at 3F Wrestling

    “Catherine Walker is extraordinary. Smart as a whip, with a gas tank that never runs dry. She is the CFO at CapMetro, yet still manages to find the time to volunteer her time and expertise across a wide variety of important missions: everything from the Eanes Bond Committee to Cub Scouts! All of this while being a Supermom – raising and staying deeply involved in all of the activities of her three children. I cannot imagine a better candidate for the school board.”

  • Christina Fok, Forest Trail and West Ridge Parent

    “I have known Catherine Walker and her family for several years in a professional setting. She is a trusted and approachable adviser in many aspects of life.

    As a fellow CFO, a working mom and a friend, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the dedication, expertise, and passion that Catherine brings to education and our community. With her prestigious educational background and professional finance and risk management experience, she is fully equipped with the skills necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities facing our school district.

    I strongly believe that Catherine is the kind of leader our school district needs - dedicated, innovative, and always putting students first. I am confident that she will make a lasting positive impact on our school community and a tangible difference in the lives of our students in Eanes.”

  • Jeff Abbott, Eanes resident

    “I am supporting James Spradley and Catherine Walker for the school board elections.

    James has already been serving on the board and has been a thoughtful trustee with a proven track record of leadership. Catherine is the CFO of Capital Metro and is used to dealing with multimillion dollar budgets (she manages a $800M budget); her deep expertise in managing complex financial situations for a public entity would be invaluable to our district. She is also the mother to three children in the district.

    I hope you will join me in supporting James and Catherine for election to our school board.”